U.S. House Committee on Agriculture

The subject of this hearing is the “Past, Present, and Future of SNAP,” focusing on the means to climb the economic ladder. As an innovator and national thought leader in helping low-income individuals break the cycle of poverty and realize economic security for their families, CWU was asked to share information on how our model assists low-income families navigate the complex pathway out of poverty, as well as the importance of providing comprehensive workforce development programs for SNAP (food stamps) recipients.

Beth commented on the difficult journey out of poverty and dispelled the myth that simply requiring people to work will lead them to self-sufficiency. In her testimony, Beth called on Congress to maintain the safety net to supplement low wage workers’ earnings as they climb up the economic ladder; to increase access to education and training, especially at the post-secondary level; and to support programs to train staff on goal setting, coaching and outcome measurement skills.

Beth’s testimony begins at 14:16 and again at 40:58.